Monday, 10 September 2012

Introduction to Documentary

I am looking to produce a documentary, from scratch (approx 10 Minutes in length) about ; '9/11'. I am working in a group of two with Nimesh. The documentary style will be similar to that of the documentary; 'Loose Change', which is a documentary about conspiracy theory's regarding 9/11. You can watch the first cut, part 1 here:

The similarities are that we will use footage of the planes crashing into the World Trade Centre, we interview members of the public and will be giving an overview on the attacks and how they happened.
We want to find out about how it effected, not only the US but how it effected the UK so we will interview local people on their thoughts on 9/11 and if 9/11 changed their opinion on the US government and Muslims in general, as there was a lot of racial intolerance after 9/11 due to Al-Queda being Muslim.
We will be looking at why the attacks happened, an overview on them, phone calls from the planes, footage of the attacks and one of us narrating/voicing over throughout the film.
We will also be talking about Flight 93 and the Pentagon. We will be asking what people's opinions are about Flight 93 and whether it was overtaken by the crew and passengers or shot down by the US Government.
We will also be looking at the 9/11 truth movement and their thoughts on what happened and I will be trying to get a statement from the 9/11 truth movement on what they think and hope to achieve.

Sam- Director, Writing Script, Camera, Editing, Sound and Lighting
Nimesh- Producer, Editing, Green Screen, Camera

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