Tuesday 11 September 2012

Interviews (Draft)

For the documentary, we want to include some interviews with the public and some of the tutors opinions on 9/11.
For the interviews with tutors, we are going to film them in the TV studio, with a green screen in the background (which will have a picture of the Twin Towers uploaded in Post Production).
We are going to use 2 cameras so that we have more footage to use and some diversity within the shots we use.
For the interview with the public, we are going to film on site (in Oldham).
We have a first draft of some of the questions we are going to ask we will add more later);
1)  Do you remember where you were on September the 11th 2001?
2) How much of a global impact do you think 9/11 had?
3) Do you think 9/11 caused a lot of Racism and stereotyping towards Muslims?
4) And if so, why?
5) Do you think the United States Government did enough to prevent the 9/11 attacks?

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