Monday 8 October 2012

Production Schedule Part 1

Production Schedule Part 1 Production period: 22/10/12 - 30/10/12 Post Production period: 1/11/12 - 1/12/12 The schedule: Pre Production Activity By whom By when Equipment booking Nimesh Valji 11/10/12 Props and costume N/A N/A Call sheets Sam Cooney 15/10/12 Budget Nimesh Valji 15/10/12 Risk assessments Sam Cooney 15/10/12 Location Recce Nimesh Valji 11/10/12 Contingency plans Sam Cooney 11/10/12 Storyboards N/A N/A Shot List Sam Cooney 12/10/12 Floor Plans Nimesh Valji 1/10/12 Script Sam Cooney 12/10/12 Production Activities Location Date Personnel/performers required to be present Filming interviews Studio-17/10/12 Sam & Nimesh Post Production activities Location Date Personnel/required to be present Editing video Edit suite 1/11/12 Sam & Nimesh Download Music Home 29/10/12 Nimesh Download YouTube clips Home 29/10/12 Nimesh

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