Monday 15 October 2012

Updated Questions for Interviews

Questions for Interviews

1)      Do you remember where you were on September the 11th 2001?

2)      Did you watch the news coverage on the 9/11 attacks when they were happening? For example, when the Twin Towers were on fire?

3)      And how did it make you feel to see the devastation and people jumping to their deaths?

4)      How much of a Global Impact do you think 9/11 had?

5)      Do you think 9/11 caused a lot of racially motivated hate?

6)      What was your initial reaction to 9/11?

7)      How did you find about the attacks on America in 2001?

8)      Do you think 9/11 was or is one of the most heavily publicized events ever?

9)      Do you think the US Government did enough to prevent the 9/11 attacks?

10)   Do you think an attack like this will ever happen again?

11)   Do you think 9/11 w2as carried out without any knowledge from the US Government?

12)  Has 9/11 affected your life in anyway? (Have you lost any family or friends? Are you afraid of flying?)

13)  Why do you think the terrorist’s choose to attack the World Trade Centre?

14)   What do you think about Conspiracy Theorists opinions on 9/11, do you believe them? Do you disagree? And why?


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