Monday, 15 October 2012

Updated Questions for Interviews

Questions for Interviews

1)      Do you remember where you were on September the 11th 2001?

2)      Did you watch the news coverage on the 9/11 attacks when they were happening? For example, when the Twin Towers were on fire?

3)      And how did it make you feel to see the devastation and people jumping to their deaths?

4)      How much of a Global Impact do you think 9/11 had?

5)      Do you think 9/11 caused a lot of racially motivated hate?

6)      What was your initial reaction to 9/11?

7)      How did you find about the attacks on America in 2001?

8)      Do you think 9/11 was or is one of the most heavily publicized events ever?

9)      Do you think the US Government did enough to prevent the 9/11 attacks?

10)   Do you think an attack like this will ever happen again?

11)   Do you think 9/11 w2as carried out without any knowledge from the US Government?

12)  Has 9/11 affected your life in anyway? (Have you lost any family or friends? Are you afraid of flying?)

13)  Why do you think the terrorist’s choose to attack the World Trade Centre?

14)   What do you think about Conspiracy Theorists opinions on 9/11, do you believe them? Do you disagree? And why?


Monday, 8 October 2012

Teaser Poster

We have created our own Poster, using photoshop. We merged 2 photos into one and added a working title and a relase date

Production Schedule Part 1

Production Schedule Part 1 Production period: 22/10/12 - 30/10/12 Post Production period: 1/11/12 - 1/12/12 The schedule: Pre Production Activity By whom By when Equipment booking Nimesh Valji 11/10/12 Props and costume N/A N/A Call sheets Sam Cooney 15/10/12 Budget Nimesh Valji 15/10/12 Risk assessments Sam Cooney 15/10/12 Location Recce Nimesh Valji 11/10/12 Contingency plans Sam Cooney 11/10/12 Storyboards N/A N/A Shot List Sam Cooney 12/10/12 Floor Plans Nimesh Valji 1/10/12 Script Sam Cooney 12/10/12 Production Activities Location Date Personnel/performers required to be present Filming interviews Studio-17/10/12 Sam & Nimesh Post Production activities Location Date Personnel/required to be present Editing video Edit suite 1/11/12 Sam & Nimesh Download Music Home 29/10/12 Nimesh Download YouTube clips Home 29/10/12 Nimesh

Monday, 17 September 2012

Closing Scene

We want to try and end the documentary on a more positive note, therefore at the end, we will talk about how America has coped with the attacks; they have rebuilt but never forgotten.
So at the end of the documetary, before the credits, we will inlude s few pictures of victims families at memorials and talk about how the vitims of 9/11 are still remembered by families, friends and the genreal public then show some of the following pictures;

We will then talk about how a new World Trade Centre is being built called 'One World Trade Centre' and how it will be completed next year. We will inlude the following picture:

We will also mention that the mastermind of the attacks; Osama Bin Laden was captured and killed in 2011.
We will also briefly mention that not everyone believes the official report on 9/11 and feels the US Government and/or others were responsible for the attacks; not Al-Queda.


Thursday, 13 September 2012


We want to include some music in the credits for the documentary so we sent an email to the Ameritz website asking if we could use it. The song we want is the Instrumental version of Natasha Beddingfield's 'Soulmate' which you can listen to here:

We got an email saying we could use the song as follows:
I am creating a short documentary for a college project and was wondering if I am able to use your track of Natatsha Bedding Field's 'Soulmate' for the credits?
It is for educational purposes and I will earn no money the use of it.
You will also get a mention/thankyou on the credits.
Thankyou very much,
Sam Cooney


Hi Sam,
Yes, of course.
Please do include our web site address in your credits.
Kind Regards

Maxine Berry (UK)

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Facts that will be included in Documentary

Throughout the documentary, facts about what happened on 9/11 and why will be included in the script (mainly for the voice over).
The facts that will be included are: (A LOT MORE WILL BE ADDED SOON)
*Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 09:37, killing all 59 on board and 125 people in the Pentagon.
*Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Centre at 08:46, killing 86 on board and approx 1600 inside the North Tower.
*Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Centre, killing all 60 on board and approx 900 inside South Tower.
*The South Tower fell at 9:59 am.
*The North Tower fell at 10:28 am.
*Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:03 am after the crew and passengers tried to take back the airplane from the hijackers. All on board were killed.
*The cockpit voice recoreder, recorded the revolt by passangers. Screams were hear, the sound of breaking glass and the sound of the passangers, trying to force entry into the cockpit.
*Flight 93 hit the ground at 563 mph.
* The people who fell/jumped from the Towers were travelling at 150mph when they hit the ground, their fall lasted approx 10 seconds.
*The hijackers were all described as "Middle Eastern".
*The 'One World Trade Centre' is currently under construction and will be finished by 2013.
*Of the hundreds that were in the World Trade Centre when they collapsed, 20 were found alive in the rubble.
*Nearly 3000 people died on 9/11.
*Osama Bin Laden, who is the ringleader of the attacks, was captured and killed in 2011.
*On the black box (recording in the cockpit) which was found at the crash sight of Flight 93, before the plane crashed, the torrists can be hear shouting: "Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen.".
*The passangers can be hear shouting: "In the cockpit. If we don't, we'll die.".

Interviews (Draft)

For the documentary, we want to include some interviews with the public and some of the tutors opinions on 9/11.
For the interviews with tutors, we are going to film them in the TV studio, with a green screen in the background (which will have a picture of the Twin Towers uploaded in Post Production).
We are going to use 2 cameras so that we have more footage to use and some diversity within the shots we use.
For the interview with the public, we are going to film on site (in Oldham).
We have a first draft of some of the questions we are going to ask we will add more later);
1)  Do you remember where you were on September the 11th 2001?
2) How much of a global impact do you think 9/11 had?
3) Do you think 9/11 caused a lot of Racism and stereotyping towards Muslims?
4) And if so, why?
5) Do you think the United States Government did enough to prevent the 9/11 attacks?

Opening Scene

For the opening scene, we want it to have a strong impact for the audience so we are going to have a fast paced but emotional opening scene. To do this, we are going to cut together archive footage and youtube footage of the Planes flying into the Towers, the collapse of the towers and quite some phone call footage of the victims of 9/11.
We are going to use the phone calls from victims to emergency services and to their families but are just going to cut certain parts and cut them together to create a fast paced opening.

For the opening scene, we are going to use very small clips and audio of the following:

We also have some pictures of the Flight 93 crash site and Pentagon we will use.
After the opening has finished, we will have the opening credits and then the voice over will start where we have a brief introduction into what happened on 9/11.
The pictures we want to use for the opening include the following:
                         The fire of the North Tower and plane seconds away from crashing. (bellow)
                                                The Plane hitting The South Tower (bellow)
                                                The collapse of the North Tower. (bellow)
                                              The Explosion of the South Tower (bellow)
                        The Twin Towers (South Tower) after being hit by the airplane. (bellow)
                                                  The impact crater of Flight 93 (bellow)
                            An engine from Flight 93 is uncovered in the dirt, after the crash (bellow)
                                   The Pentagon after the Plane crash and following fire (bellow)

An unconscious victim is carried away from Ground Zero (bellow)
The smoke cloud from the crash of Flight 93 (bellow)

Ground Zero mermorial sight today (bellow)
                                              Ground Zero mermorial sight today (bellow)
                                                            Ground Zero after 9/11 (bellow)
                                    A man jumps from the World Trade Centre as it burns (bellow)
                     Memorial Lights shine from where the World Trade Centres stood (bellow)
                                              Ground Zero mermorial sight today (bellow)


Monday, 10 September 2012

Introduction to Documentary

I am looking to produce a documentary, from scratch (approx 10 Minutes in length) about ; '9/11'. I am working in a group of two with Nimesh. The documentary style will be similar to that of the documentary; 'Loose Change', which is a documentary about conspiracy theory's regarding 9/11. You can watch the first cut, part 1 here:

The similarities are that we will use footage of the planes crashing into the World Trade Centre, we interview members of the public and will be giving an overview on the attacks and how they happened.
We want to find out about how it effected, not only the US but how it effected the UK so we will interview local people on their thoughts on 9/11 and if 9/11 changed their opinion on the US government and Muslims in general, as there was a lot of racial intolerance after 9/11 due to Al-Queda being Muslim.
We will be looking at why the attacks happened, an overview on them, phone calls from the planes, footage of the attacks and one of us narrating/voicing over throughout the film.
We will also be talking about Flight 93 and the Pentagon. We will be asking what people's opinions are about Flight 93 and whether it was overtaken by the crew and passengers or shot down by the US Government.
We will also be looking at the 9/11 truth movement and their thoughts on what happened and I will be trying to get a statement from the 9/11 truth movement on what they think and hope to achieve.

Sam- Director, Writing Script, Camera, Editing, Sound and Lighting
Nimesh- Producer, Editing, Green Screen, Camera